- #Firefox cannot connect to citrix xenapp how to#
- #Firefox cannot connect to citrix xenapp pdf#
- #Firefox cannot connect to citrix xenapp full#
- #Firefox cannot connect to citrix xenapp pro#
- #Firefox cannot connect to citrix xenapp software#
Google Chrome users experience the error message “ ERR_SOCKET_NOT_CONNECTED” when they try to access Google websites on their browser.
#Firefox cannot connect to citrix xenapp how to#
Setting how to Receive specifies that subsequent calls to Receive are not allowed. If you are using a connectionless Socket, specifying Send will have no effect. Setting how to Send specifies that subsequent calls to Send are not allowed. ValueDescriptionĭisable both sending and receiving on this Socket. The following table shows the SocketShutdown enumeration values that are valid for the how parameter. Do not attempt to reuse the Socket after closing. This ensures that all data is sent and received on the connected socket before it is closed.Ĭall the Close method to free all managed and unmanaged resources associated with the Socket. When using a connection-oriented Socket, always call the Shutdown method before closing the Socket. Try Try aSocket.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both) Finally aSocket.Close() End Try End Sub Remarks The following code example uses Shutdown to disable the Socket. Public: void Shutdown(System::Net::Sockets::SocketShutdown how) public void Shutdown ( how) member this.Shutdown : -> unit Public Sub Shutdown (how As SocketShutdown) Socket.Shutdown(SocketShutdown) Method () Please, contact your system administrator.
#Firefox cannot connect to citrix xenapp full#
Tested through an different account with full admin rights. Installed Firefox which had the same error messageĭeleted anything to do with Citrix and reinstalled XenAppWeb.msi (which is all that is installed on the working machines)Ĭhanged the IP address on the local machine
#Firefox cannot connect to citrix xenapp software#
System Restore to a time I know the software worked
#Firefox cannot connect to citrix xenapp pro#
The machine is running Windows XP Pro with SP3 and Internet Explorer 8 Googling this issue advises to reboot the Citrix server, however we do not manage this and the people that do claim as this is working fine for everyone else the issue lies with the individual PC. We can however access this OK with other machines on the same domain and machines outside of our network it is just a single machine that is been problematic. We have an issue that one machine will not open Excel or Acrobat reader on the server erroring with "cannot connect to citrix xenapp server.
#Firefox cannot connect to citrix xenapp pdf#
We log into a customer's server using Citrix Metaframe XP through a web browser to view Excel and pdf documents.